In a market where demand for apartments is plenty, landscaping is proving to be a mechanism that leads to interested buyers.
In the instance of Gardenhill apartments in Doncaster, the landscape is top of mind. When marketing this property, we note that the developer suggests that “Gardenhill offers a life of absolute serenity. Surrounded by lush greenery, each residence is an oasis of graceful design and impeccable style.”
When iBlitz were briefed to re-design and build a green wall in the foyer of the property, the team determined that VersiWall was the most appropriate solution.
The project presented some challenges, which included:
- Curved wall and intermediary timber panelling
- No natural light
- Maintaining the plants after installation whilst the building works in the space were still being completed.
With all of that in mind, iBlitz, as part of the design process, considered the long-term viability of this project. Being in the middle of the build, and with no or very little natural light, low light tolerant plants were needed that responded well to the LED lights which were installed as part of the build.
The LED lights were unique in that they had a wavelength that encouraged growth, and provided a wash of light, which replaced sunlight.
iBlitz chose to plant densely to enhance and match the curved design. As the plants developed, and part of the maintenance program, iBlitz monitored the growth and where necessary, removed some of the initial plants to avoid shadowing. This is the great advantage of the VersiWall system.
Builder – Hacer
Green Wall designer & installer – iBlitz