Effective waterproofing is one of the most important issues facing the building industry today. Waterproofing failures are responsible for nearly 80% of building faults, in spite of the fact that they can be easily avoided.
When trying to reduce the likelihood of water damage to a building, the right paving system can make a big difference. While traditional paving systems rely on installing pavers on top of sand cement which is in turn positioned over the waterproof membrane, newer adjustable paving systems use adjustable supports to hold up the pavers.
Why are adjustable paving supports better than traditional systems?
Traditional paving systems have a number of disadvantages when it comes to the quality of waterproofing. These include:
- Potential damage to the waterproof membrane when installing thanks to the numerous trades, tools and materials required in the installation process,
- Damage to the sand bed due to ponding, affecting the stability of the pavers,
- Difficulty reaching the membrane for repairs and maintenance. This difficulty can lead to membrane damage when attempting to gain access.
- The concealment of waterproofing failures that can lead to long-term serious structural damage.
- Many of the issues with traditional paving systems can cause extensive problems with waterproofing, especially when they are placed over occupied areas where the potential for damage is worse.
- Adjustable paving systems come without many of the problems you can expect to find with traditional pavers and they can prevent some of the most common waterproofing issues.
Here are a few of the main benefits of using adjustable paving supports:
- Rapid drainage of surface water which eliminates the need for drainage grates,
- Adjustable height and slope so you can be sure of a level finish, even on sloping surfaces,
- Easy maintenance and access to waterproof membrane with no mechanical fixings required.
- Less chance of damage to waterproof membrane when removing for repairs and maintenance,
- Improvement in structural integrity due to the reduction of load bearing on the slabs.
- Their ease of installation and waterproofing protection mean that adjustable paving support systems are an ideal choice in any residential or commercial construction project.
To find out more about how adjustable paving support works and how you can make use of it in your next project, contact KHD today.