Urban Canopee
Urban Canopee® greening up our cities and cooling them down

Urban Canopee is ideal for
- Urban landscapes where planting directly in ground is not possible
- Outdoor Shopping Centres
- Elevated Plaza Decks
- Public Spaces
- Schools
Urban Canopee sizes
- Mini Canopee 20 m2
- Lopsided Canopee 40 m2
- Canopee 50 m2
Shroud: Steel/Aluminum/Timber
Irrigation: Mid Tech – High Tech
How does the system work?
Urban Canopee is a disruptive solution to cool cities down through plants’ amazing properties, wherever trees cannot be planted. Autonomous and connected,
Canopee does not require mains power or water connection. Installed within a day, it doesn’t have any impact on underground services and remains easily relocatable.
Plants are the best natural air-conditioner. They foster biodiversity, enhance well-being, improve livability and the attractiveness of any urban landscape.
Green up to cool down, a deep-rooted commitment Increasingly long and intense heatwave episodes, worsening air pollution, loss of biodiversity, water resources becoming scarcer… the climate emergency is here. Our planet is in danger, as well as the 7 billion people who call cities home by 2050.
URBAN CANOPEE, are committed to cooler, more resilient and more environmentally sustainable cities. Greening the city is becoming a hot topic. No wonder looking at the long list of
associated benefits. Large-scale urban “reforestation” is the most effective strategy to improve wellbeing and livability, reduce heatwaves’ impact and foster local
biodiversity. It is time to act!
However, the urban environment wasn’t designed to accommodate more nature. We offer solutions to green urban spaces differently, where planting directly in ground
is not possible.
With there low carbon impact and water efficient Canopee range, they aim to cover the city’s landscape with a modular, reversible and light-weight green living canopy to
combat the effect of climate change.
Urban Canopee technology adapts to every urban context providing a rapid and easily implemented alternative to complement existing green spaces.
THE STRUCTURE (Patent pending)
• “Gridshell” structure made of composite
rods, four time (x4) lighter than steel.
• Patented connection nodes ensuring
• Relocatable and free standing • Highly resistant to extreme weather
• Maintenance free
Built in substrate pot and water tank • Built in Sensopee Smart Irrigation System • Real-time tracking of temperature,
humidity, and water level (Sensopee app)
• Climbing plants adapted to the
structure’s unique growth conditions
and local climate.
• Personalized plant selection among
pre-selected species
• Creates shade and evapotranspiration. • On-going plants maintenance service